Original Series and Collection Books (Pdf files) of The FaithCampaigner of Christ.

These Faith-Books will keep you spiritually minded about the things of God.

2 Timothy 3:15
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

The scriptures were made as a transforming Gem Tool; Bringing believers to the knowledge of God and consciousness of Christ. The Campaigner through this Books; desires to cultivate believers, in the system of faith, through the mysteries of God’s kingdom and by the revelation knowledge of Christ. Dowload the Faith-books today for free!

Phase 1


The Art of Worship

The Witnessing Power

The Inception of Discipline

Activating the Light of God in Life.

The Wonder of Eternal Life

The Power of Sonship

The Temple Keeper

Life of a Believer

The Sacrifices of Righteousness

Outlander in the kingdom

The Art of Worship

Coming soon!

coming soon!

Phase 2

📖 Series

*Walking in a New Law

*Understanding God’s Purpose (Romans 5:17b) series

 *Keys To Separating (Series)

complete season 1keys-to-separating-season-1-.pdf  

Complete season 2: keys-to-separate-season-2.pdf

complete Season 3: keys-to-separate-season-3.pdf

complete Season 4: coming soon!


Get spiritual growth rhemas from the Faith Campaigner through these books.
The best lies in your ability to customize your thoughts towards the right directions.

Your Preparation determines your expectations. When you walk towards your goals, you are preparing to achieve those goals.
Make yourself a Positivity Carrier.

GETTING the balance of life through God’s word… Key_In🔻



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