10min Audio: Strength for Soul Winning.

F.C.H 10min Audio: The Anointing (Part1)

F.C.H 10min Audio MSG: The Anointing Part 2

Language in Christ⬇️

Keeping the coal burning (Series)

Focusing on Light


Shining Light
Abiding in God
You are the love of God


Latest audio files of the Campaigner.

Dealing with Judgmental Spirit Faith-Sermons

Mathew 7:1-2Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. In this message, The FaithCampaigner describes the essence of not being quick to judge temporary things, without discerning their permanent effects through the lens of the Spirit of Christ. Key_In🔻 — Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/faithcampaigner/message
  1. Dealing with Judgmental Spirit
  2. Dealing with the Bread of Affliction
  3. Dealing with Lack and Want
  4. Dealing with Your Cross
  5. Word Journey 2024
  6. Dealing with Offence
  7. Dealing with Weak Conscience
  8. Dealing with Disappointment
  9. Dealing with Desperation
  10. Dealing with Weakness


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