The Month of the Mountain Top.

📋Faith-Declarations for June:- Micah 6:1 Hear ye now what the LORD saith;  Arise, contend thou before the  mountains, and let the  hills  hear thy  voice.
Psalms 72:16 “There shall be an handful of corn in the earthupon the top of the mountains; the  fruit thereof shall  shake like Lebanon: and they of the  city shall flourish like  grass of the earth.”
Deuteronomy 8:7 “For the  LORD thy  God bringeth thee into a  good  land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and  depths that spring out of valleys and hills;”

🔻 In this month we are moving to the mountain top; as the Lord continually empowers our spirit within, we shall be above our enemies and enjoy fruitfulness without expense. The Lord is Seated far above the rulers of darkness, therefore our path and the path of darkness has no meeting point. The Lord shall cause us to seat on higher places, he shall bring us before kings and exalt our horns among men. The word of the Lord stands sure and He has given us the strength of his power for the abundance of things. We move by His word, we rise by His word and we are at the top by His word; His word shall not return void because he has brought us to the right grounds, the right place, the right time. In this month, refuse to limitations, refuse to be stagnation, refuse to stay low, for the Lord shall be your strength to the top! The light of God’s countenance shines continuously throughout this month of June. IJPN!

Month of June





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